Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Hi Guys, You people will be aware of Gandhi Jayanthi (2nd OCT) &Nehru's Bday (14th Nov) but many of us not celebrating SardarPatel's Jayanthi.

I strongly admire Patel than Nehru and would like to post some paragarpah's which i have collected from some sources. Sardar Vallabai patel's Correct Birth Date is not known and it is celebrated on 31st october every year.

Let us remember him & his great thoughts...the following are some of information i have collected through internet.

The real credit goes to respective authors and wikipedia:

In the 1946 election for the Congress presidency, Patel stepped down in favour of Nehru at the request of Gandhi. The election's importance lied in the fact that the elected President would lead free India's first Government.

Gandhi asked all 16 states representatives and Congress to elect the right person and Sardar Patel's name was proposed by 13 states' representatives out of 16, but Patel respected Gandhi's request to not be the first prime minister.

As a Home Minister & Deputy Prime Minister, Patel merged all parts of India under federal control but Jammu and Kashmir was left out because of Nehru. However, Patel is credited for being almost single-handedly responsible for unifying India on the eve of independence.

He won the admiration of many Indians for speaking frankly on the issues of Hindu-Muslim relations and not shying from using military force to integrate India. His skills of leadership and practical judgement were hailed by British statesmen — Even his opponents in the freedom struggle — such as Lord Wavell, Cripps, Pethick-Lawrence and Mountbatten.

Some historians and admirers of Patel such as Rajendra Prasad and industrialist J.R.D. Tata have expressed opinions that Patel would have made a better prime minister for India than Nehru.

Nehru's critics and Patel's admirers cite Nehru's belated embrace of Patel's advice regarding the UN and Kashmir and the integration of Goa by military action. Proponents of free enterprise cite the failings of Nehru's socialist policies as opposed to Patel's defence of property rights and his mentorship of the Amul co-operative project.

Governor General Chakravarti Rajagopalachari, Nehru and Patel formed the triumvirate which ruled India from 1948 to 1950. Prime MinisterNehru was intensely popular with the masses, but Patel enjoyed the loyalty and faith of rank and file Congressmen, state leaders and India's civil services.

Patel was a senior leader in the Constituent Assembly of India and was responsible in a large measure for shapingIndia's constitution. Patel was a key force behind the appointment of Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar as the chairman of the drafting committee, and the inclusion of leaders from a diverse political spectrum in the process of writing the constitution.

After suffering a massive heart attack (his second), he died on 15 December 1950. In an unprecedented and unrepeated gesture, on the day after his death more than 1,500 officers of India's civil and police services congregated to mourn at Patel's residence in Delhi and pledged "complete loyalty and unremitting zeal" in India's service. His cremation in Sonapur, Mumbai, was attended by large crowds, Nehru, Rajagopalachari, President Prasad, and many Congressmen and freedom fighters.



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